Wire Transfers
Due dates for supplemental tax bills or escaped tax bills will vary please note the due date on your payment coupon or look up your information at Pay / Look Up Property Taxes Online.
Pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 2503.2, if your tax payments equal or exceed an aggregate payment of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more on the two most recent installments of secured taxes or on the one installment of the most recent unsecured tax, you are required to make your tax payment to Alameda County via "Wire Transfer'.
The FED WIRE TRANSFER must be completed before the tax payment delinquent dates of DECEMBER 10 and APRIL 10 for the secured taxes or AUGUST 31 for unsecured taxes. To facilitate crediting of payments,it is important that you contact the Tax Collector's Office to confirm the intended wire transfer. Please contact us in advance by mail or phone at (510) 272-5008 or (510) 272-6833 to obtain wire transfer instructions, and to make arrangements for your wire transfer and payment documents.
Original installment "payment stubs" from the bottom of the tax bill which support the total amount of the wire transfer must be received in our office before the due date. Please forward the payment stubs or other payment documents to Alameda County Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office, to the attention of EFT Cashiering Unit at 1221 Oak Street, Rm. 131, Oakland, CA 94612.